Highlighted Main Ancestral Lines

Highlighted Main Ancestral Lines
How many Ancestors Can you Find?

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Twas the Week of Rootstech 2016...

Alright it is finally here! #rootstech .  The wait is finally over and tomorrow I take the short flight to genealogists conference paradise - Rootstech 2016 at the Salt Palace.  I am positive the wait has been worth it and know I would have been overwhelmed with last years gigantic crowd.



WED 3rd:  Fly In, $8 Shuttle to Salt Palace, and Hopefully Register in Time for Innovator Keynote and decent seat.

9 - 10a              Opening Innovator Summit

1015 - 1115a    Investment Activity and Trends in GeneTech - Family History Innovation

1130 - Noon     DIY Small Business Guerrilla Marketing Strategies

1215 - 145p     Innovator Showdown Semi-final with Boxed Lunch

2 - 230p           A SAAS Architechture for 3D Genealogy Trees

245 - 400p       Entrepreneurship: Validation Precedes the Money

4:15 - 445p      Re-imagining genealogy Sites with Interactive Visuals

5 - 530p           Are You Investment Ready?  How to get Investors Interested In Your Business

30 Minute break - perhaps I can check in to my room at the Radisson after lugging luggage all over for a great workout? ;-)

6 - 800p           Media / Ambassadors dinner Salt Palace

8 - Midnight    Inno
vator Summit Hackathon - Sounds like we're all night owls!

Midnight - 6 or 7am Thurs - Sleeping with dreams of my new business plans for Genedocs taking off

  Will you recognize me, introduce yourself, get a Genedocs card, ribbon, ballcap???

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't your hotel have a free shuttle service?
    Also, you may want to drop your luggage off at your hotel BEFORE you go to the convention center. They will hold your luggage for you until you can check-in. Depending on how much you pack the time spent hauling all your stuff around may take longer than dropping it off at the hotel beforehand. Just a thought.
    Either way, good luck & hope to run into you so I can get a ribbon. I've kept mine from all the previous conferences.
