Highlighted Main Ancestral Lines

Highlighted Main Ancestral Lines
How many Ancestors Can you Find?

Monday, June 29, 2015

What Has the Most Jurassic Impact on Your Family Research?

Recently Jurassic World surpassed all box office movie release records with its first weekend surpassing $500M and in just its first two weekends $1 Billion!  That is thunderous proof of the global enjoyment of the historical impact of dinosaurs brought back to life on screen via impressive technological delights 22 years in the making since the first franchise movie debuted. 

What on earth possibly has that kind of T-Rex quaking impact on both our family trees and our legacy preservation efforts?

The only answer is the death of a loved one.

When we endure all that goes along with the death of a beloved close family member, we are transformed deeply and emerge from the loss as a different person, hopefully wiser and stronger.  Multiple deaths experienced in a short duration magnify this impact exponentially and the lessons learned.  We can't help but walk away without the wonderment of what the impact of our own life will mean to our survivors.

This is a big part of why Genedocs offers the Life Legacy Changing Forms Series:
(Use them or approach your family's next death at your own risk)

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